Our Favorite Mississippi Style Recipes

Our Favorite Mississippi Style Recipes

All the BEST ones!
One Pan Shrimp & Sausage Orzo Reading Our Favorite Mississippi Style Recipes 2 minutes Next Honey Old Bay Wings
Somehow, as many times as I have made the classic Mississippi Roast for my house it never ever gets old.  It is hands down the best Sunday dinner.  I even make two every time I put it on my menu as we like to have leftovers as is or make quesadillas or Mississippi Roast Sliders.  
There are other variations of Mississippi Style we also love so I am sharing them with you!  If you have an idea I have left out I would be tickled to learn of a new one so please let me know!
Mississippi Roast Sliders are an immediate must-make with leftovers.  I have to elbow the boys away to make sure I can snag one or two of these divine little sandwiches.  These are great for supper, game day or even to go with soup.
Leftover Mississippi Roast Pie.  I am a huge fan of repurposing leftovers, and this supremely easy and yummy dish fits the bill just right.  
Mississippi Pork Tenderloin and Cheesy Hashbrowns are a match made in kitchen heaven.  Make these for your next Sunday dinner or night you need a slow cooker meal.  If the people you feed are as “meat and potatoes people” as mine are then you are a kitchen god(dess) armed with these two recipes.
Crock Pot Mississippi Pork Chops are a lifesaving slow cooker recipe.  We are the biggest fans of pork chops and this recipe.
I am not a fan of grilled chicken.  I wish I was, but it is too dry and not anything I will ever willingly choose to make or order on a menu.  THIS Mississippi Grilled Chicken recipe is life changing though!  You can either marinate the chicken and truly grill it or cheat like I did and “grill” it on a grill pan!